*UNLOCKED* CS 323: Dr Judson Brewer

This is a previously subscriber-only episode that has been unlocked by popular demand. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the full archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.

This episode is hosted by Trevor. Today we have Judson Brewer with us to talk about addiction, stress vs anxiety and how thru practicing mindfulness and meditation we can help alleviate the strain of all the things 2020 has brought us. Judson Brewer MD PhD is an internationally known thought leader in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, having combined over 20 years of experience with mindfulness training with his scientific research therein. He is the Director of Research and Innovation at Brown University’s Mindfulness Center and associate professor of psychiatry at the Medical School. Brewer founded MindSciences, Inc. (now part of digital health company Sharecare), a suite of app-based digital therapeutic treatment programs for anxiety, overeating, and smoking.

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 325: The Twerk Heard Round The World pt 2 preview

This is a preview for Part 2 of a two-part episode. Part 1 is free to everyone over at www.patreon.com/posts/44678695.  The full Part 2 episode is available to paid subscribers over at www.patreon.com/posts/44678940.  Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.

In this episode Vida and Ken sit down to talk about the now world famous twerk session that went down at True Kitchen, in Dallas Tx. Nothing is left off the table as Ken and Vida dig deep into how peoples actions and reactions, in situations like this, affect the black community as whole.

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 324: The Twerk Heard Round The World pt 1

This is Part 1 of a two-part episode. Part 2 is free to paid subscribers over at www.patreon.com/posts/44678940. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
In this episode Vida and Ken sit down to talk about the now world famous twerk session that went down at True Kitchen, in Dallas Tx. Nothing is left off the table as Ken and Vida dig deep into how peoples actions and reactions, in situations like this, affect the black community as whole.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (www.piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 297 UNLOCKED: Rethinking Rufus feat. Thomas A. Foster

This is a free episode. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks to also get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.

This episode is hosted by Kenny, Mario, and T. Today we have Thomas A. Foster in the studio.  Thomas is a historian of gender and sexuality in early America. His work engages with a wide variety of fields, subfields, and topics including, disability studies, LGBTQ studies, masculinity, slavery, women’s history, and public history and memory.

Foster is Professor of History and Associate Dean at Howard University. Prior to that appointment, he was at DePaul University where he earned tenure and eventually promotion to full professor. Prior to the tenure-track, he held visiting assistant professorships at Rice University and the University of Miami.

Foster is the author or editor of seven books, including author of Sex and the Founding Fathers: The American Quest for a Relatable Past which traced how popular understandings of the intimate lives of the Founders changed from the early Republic to the present to understand how sex, (mis)understood to be transhistorical, has been used to superficially bridge the historical chasm between Founders and each successive generation. Foster also edited two volumes on gender in early America: Women in Early America and New Men: Manliness in Early America, as well as a ground-breaking edited volume on LGBTQ history, Long Before Stonewall, and an edited collection of primary sources, Documenting Intimate Matters: Primary Sources for a History of Sexuality in America. He has published articles in The William and Mary Quarterly, Disability Studies Quarterly, the Journal of the History of Sexuality and essays in numerous anthologies, including Traces and Memories of Slavery in the Atlantic World (Routledge, 2019).

His most recent book is Rethinking Rufus: Sexual Violations of Enslaved Men.

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsmusic@gmail.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 323: DrJud preview

This is a preview for CS 323: Dr Judson Brewer. The full version is available over at www.patreon.com/posts/43845667.  Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.

This episode is hosted by Trevor. Today we have Judson Brewer with us to talk about addiction, stress vs anxiety and how thru practicing mindfulness and meditation we can help alleviate the strain of all the things 2020 has brought us. Judson Brewer MD PhD is an internationally known thought leader in the field of habit change and the “science of self-mastery”, having combined over 20 years of experience with mindfulness training with his scientific research therein. He is the Director of Research and Innovation at Brown University’s Mindfulness Center and associate professor of psychiatry at the Medical School. Brewer founded MindSciences, Inc. (now known as DrJud), an app-based digital therapeutic treatment program for anxiety, overeating, and smoking.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 322: Dispelling the Myths of Mens Gymnastics

This is a free episode. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks to also get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
This episode is hosted by Vida Starr, Trevor and Ken. Today we have James Jones in to talk about how he’s helping the youth of his community find unity and confidence thru gymnastics, and more importantly, getting young black men involved in the sport – finally and officially putting to rest the notion that “gymnastics is not for boys”. You can learn more about James, his gym and how you can get involved over at https://jjgymacademy.com
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsmusic@gmail.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 320: Exposing The Manosphere

This is Part 1 of a two-part episode. Part 2 is free to everyone over at www.patreon.com/posts/43583997. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
We’ve had this episode in the pipeline for a little bit now but due to some technical misfortunes the audio quality is touch and go though out both parts of this episode. So with that in mind, we have decided to release both parts, for free, to all listeners because while the audio quality is lacking the content of the conversation is not. We guarantee this is a discussion you do not want to miss.
Today we have the whooooole gang in (Trevor, Vida, Ken & Mario) to talk with Aaron G Fountain Jr., a current PhD candidate at IUBloomington, about all things inside the manosphere… sphere… On his youtube channel Expose The Manosphere (www.youtube.com/c/ExposetheManosphere) Aaron is tracking and exposing the sheer ridiculousness, insanity, ideologies, and dogmas of the Manosphere, Save Yourself Black Men (SYSBM), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), Introspective Black Men of Reform (IBMOR), Pick-mes, Pickup Artists, and other Red Pill communities (of all races and ethnicities) on YouTube and wherever else they reside.
Aaron has written about the Black Manosphere and SYSBM in Occupy, Black Youth Project, Race Baitr, and Medium’s Level.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (www.piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 320: Exposing The Manosphere pt 2

This is Part 2 of a two-part episode. Part 1 is free to everyone over at www.patreon.com/posts/43583546. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
We’ve had this episode in the pipeline for a little bit now but due to some technical misfortunes the audio quality is touch and go though out both parts of this episode. So with that in mind, we have decided to release both parts, for free, to all listeners because while the audio quality is lacking the content of the conversation is not. We guarantee this is a discussion you do not want to miss.
Today we have the whooooole gang in (Trevor, Vida, Ken & Mario) to talk with Aaron G Fountain Jr., a current PhD candidate at IUBloomington, about all things inside the manosphere… sphere… On his youtube channel Expose The Manosphere (www.youtube.com/c/ExposetheManosphere) Aaron is tracking and exposing the sheer ridiculousness, insanity, ideologies, and dogmas of the Manosphere, Save Yourself Black Men (SYSBM), Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), Introspective Black Men of Reform (IBMOR), Pick-mes, Pickup Artists, and other Red Pill communities (of all races and ethnicities) on YouTube and wherever else they reside.
Aaron has written about the Black Manosphere and SYSBM in Occupy, Black Youth Project, Race Baitr, and Medium’s Level.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (www.piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS: 319 The Culture of Punk as Politics

This is a free episode. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks to also get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
This episode is hosted by Trevor and today we have guests Stephen Piccarella (twitter.com/spiccarella) and Sam Rosenblum (twitter.com/trashsnaks) in the studio to talk about the politics and culture of punk music, fashion, and its ethos.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsmusic@gmail.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)

CS 318: Election Season feat. Sam Seder preview

This is a preview for this episode. The full version is available over at www.patreon.com/posts/43304300.  Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at patreon.com/champagnesharks and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.

This episode is hosted by Trevor. Today we have Sam Seder in the studio to talk about the upcoming election, as well as, the political left as it is now, where it may end up and how it might get there. Sam is a comedian, writer, actor, film director, television producer, philanthropist, and the host of “The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder”. https://majorityreportradio.com

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsrec.com). Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)