CS 112: Luvvie Ajayi and Black Blackface (Double-length) (08/26/2018)

We discuss the recent fiasco surrounding internet “comic” personality Luvvie Ajayi. We made this double length, so hopefully this makes up partially for the long break we had due to my operation and injuries.Mentioned in this episode:

Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at patreon.com/champagnesharks.  If you can’t subscribe right now for whatever reason, do the next best thing and tell as many people as you know about the show.\

Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA (piercedearsmusic@gmail.com)
Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRazhu_)