CS 007 Preview: Afro-Pessimism feat. Dominick/@FanonsDream (06/18/2017)

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Today I’m joined by fellow Sharks and co-hosts D. Mills (@MDMills79 on Twitter) and Mike (@blackexception1 on Twitter). Our guest is Dominick (@FanonsDream) who schools us on Afro-Pessimism, a particular school of antiracism.

Books and articles cited:

Scenes of Subjection by Saidiya V. Hartman (http://amzn.to/2sOEO6v)

Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe by Hortense Spillers (https://people.ucsc.edu/~nmitchel/hortense_spillers_-_mamas_baby_papas_maybe.pdf)

Gramsci’s Black Marx: Whither the Slave in Civil Society? by Frank Wilderson, III (https://theloon2013.wikispaces.com/file/view/Wilderson+-+Gramscis+Black+Marx.pdf)